Product details

Pressure compensated, continuously self cleaning dripper with built-in tee for use with hanging basket watering systems.

The pressure compensation ensures that all of the drippers give exactly the same output regardless of elevation and whether they are first or last in the line.

The 1.2 l/h ultra-low flow dripper reduces water wastage as the output matches more closely the absorption rate of compost. In addition, the low flow rate allows more drippers to operate from a single tap.

Output – 1.2l/h
Operating pressure 0.5 – 4.0 bar.
Available in packs of 10, 25 or 100.

Dripper in tee

Dripper with built-in tee for use with hanging basket watering systems.

From:   £7.50 (excl VAT)

From:   £9.00 (inc VAT)

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