The temporary ban on water use (hosepipe ban) being implemented by United Utilities from 5th August 2018 will ban the use of hosepipes and sprinklers to water domestic gardens. There are however a number of exceptions:
Newly Turfed Areas
These can be watered for the first 28 days after laying – an efficient sprinkler system will ensure that the best use is made of water, and a timer will allow the watering to be done early in the morning when evaporation levels are at their lowest.
Drip Watering
As drip watering systems are so efficient compared to sprinklers and hand watering, Water Companies are using hose pipe bans to try and encourage long term water efficiency. To help with this, they are allowing drip watering systems fitted with a timer to be used. All of the drippers we supply are pressure regulated, providing a highly efficient drip system that complies with the regulations. Drip lines can be supplied for borders or for baskets and tubs. A range of tap timers are also available.